Text for Petitions
#303:  Proposed Bylaw Change

In Bylaw Article III Section 7, strike “All votes of the Association shall be done by secret ballot at a meeting where the Unit Owners have been notified in the manner stated in Article III, Sections 3 & 4 of these by-laws.

and insert in its place, “The voting method (e.g. voice vote, raising hands, secret ballot etc.) at meetings of Unit Owners shall be at the discretion of the meeting chairperson, subject to override by the assembly of Unit Owners.”

Rationale:  It is impractical to use a secret ballot for most voting, e.g. vote to accept the minutes of a previous meeting, vote to recess for 10 minutes, vote to table a motion, vote to refer to a committee, vote to amend, vote to call the question, vote to adjourn.


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